Photo Restoration • Visionary Art • Books / Magazines • Portraits

With nearly 40 years of experience in the creative industry, Tom Miller continues to provide quality print, digital, and photographic art. This site presents highlights from projects he has created for his many clients.

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Photo Restoration

Those in search of their family history through or other genealogy resources will be amazed at Tom's exceptional skills in photo retouching and restoration. Whether reconstructing a damaged photo from a century ago—or something recent, Tom can restore your precious family treasures and bring to life the story behind the person(s).

Visionary Art

Inspired by his deep connection with and his meditations on the great spiritual Teachers, Tom has sought to portray their majestic presence through his visionary art. His sensitive renderings of Serapis Bey, Nada, Gautama, Saint Germain and others, along with powerful thought-forms, provide a strong focus for meditation and inspiration.

Fine art prints available for selected images. 


In addition to his book cover designs, Tom has created numerous illustrations, covers and videos for Atlantis Rising Magazine. This innovative publication with its themes of alternative archaeology and other-worldly topics were a natural fit for Tom's deep interests and expertise. 


For those seeking to bring the personality either of themselves or a loved one to life, Tom is able to capture the spirit of his subjects beautifully with either digital brush, camera lens or a combination of both. 

Copyright © 2023 Tom Miller Studios. All rights reserved.